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Leading Through Change | Lead Others


This workshop focusses on developing the skills and competencies needed to successfully lead people through a change process.  Participants will learn and practice specific coaching skills to effectively move people through change.  They will apply stages of change models to identify people’s current position towards change and learn how to tailor their communication accordingly. Effective messaging to stakeholders is also covered. This workshop is ideal for organizations who are currently undergoing change.

Duration: 2 Days
Who is this course for?

  • Team Leaders and Organisational Change Agents.
  • Completion of the Strength Deployment Inventory Course is a pre-requisite for this course.
  • Completion of the Coaching Skills for Leaders course is highly recommended prior to completing this course.

What you will learn?

  • Identify ways to build relationships, motivate people through change and achieve your goals through effective coaching.
  • Develop communication strategies and effective messaging to move people through change.
  • Deliver successful change through positive, goal focused, and challenging coaching conversations.
Suggested Follow on courses:
  • Executive Leadership Development